Million Dollar Cafe Consultancy (MDCC)

You require guidance in starting a business, selling or acquiring a business, promoting your brand, or revitalizing struggling operations, our experienced consultants are here to assist you every step of the way.

About us

Million Dollar Cafe Consultancy (MDCC) provides expert consultancy services to support individuals and businesses in achieving their objectives. Whether you require guidance in starting a business, selling or acquiring a business, promoting your brand, or revitalizing struggling operations, our experienced consultants are here to assist you every step of the way. With our comprehensive expertise and tailored solutions, we aim to drive your success and help you achieve your goals.


Business Startup Consultancy

Our objective is to provide comprehensive consultancy services to individuals and firms looking to start their own businesses.

Business Sale and Acquisition Consultancy

We understand that selling or purchasing a business involves intricate processes and critical decision-making.

Business Promotion Consultancy

Our objective is to help businesses enhance their brand visibility, reach their target audience, and maximize their marketing efforts.

Business Revitalization Consultancy

Our objective is to assist struggling businesses in revitalizing their operations and achieving sustainable growth.


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